I met God the other night while I was washing my car. I made the mistake of buying a black car. In fact, we have two black cars. It’s not an objective mistake in the sense that black cars are worse than any other colour car by any meaningful metric.
The Holy Spirit: The Essential, Often Overlooked Member of the Trinity
In John 14:1-16, Jesus talks about the coming of the Holy Spirit and emphasizes His essential role in believers' lives, starting from Pentecost. Sometimes called the "forgotten" member of the Trinity because His work can seem mysterious, the Holy Spirit is nonetheless vital, as Jesus points out.
The Importance of the Holy Spirit
Before His crucifixion, Jesus speaks extensively about the Holy Spirit with His disciples in the upper room. In John 14:26, He calls the Spirit the "Helper" who will:
• Teach them
• Remind them of His teachings
Again, in John 15:26, Jesus refers to the Spirit of truth, who will testify about Him. In John 16:7, Jesus explains that His departure is actually beneficial because it means the Spirit can come. Unlike Jesus, who could only be in one place at a time, the Holy Spirit can be present with all believers everywhere.
The Advantage of the Holy Spirit
It might seem surprising when Jesus says in John 16:7 that it's better for Him to go away so the Holy Spirit can come. This is because the Spirit's presence is more advantageous than Jesus' physical presence, as He can be with all believers simultaneously. While Jesus' earthly ministry was limited to being with a few people at a time, the Holy Spirit can be with every believer, all the time.
The Greater Advantage of Scripture
Peter, in Second Peter 1:19, says that having the written Scriptures is even more reliable than hearing God's voice directly. This highlights the incredible benefit we have with access to the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit, which is more advantageous than the direct experience of Jesus’ earthly ministry.
The Holy Spirit’s Mission
In John 16:8, Jesus outlines the Holy Spirit’s mission: to convict the world of:
• Sin
• Righteousness
• Judgment
This mission is crucial for genuine ministry. Ignoring these topics can hinder the Spirit’s work, as seen in ministries that shy away from discussing sin and judgment.
The Role in Sanctification
The Holy Spirit is as essential to our sanctification as Jesus is to our justification. He guides us into all truth, reminds us of Jesus' teachings (John 14:26), and makes Christ real to us. This was key for the early disciples as they recorded the New Testament and continues to be vital for us today.
Focus on Christ
John 16:14 emphasizes that the Spirit’s primary role is to glorify Christ by revealing what belongs to Him. Ministries that focus too much on the Holy Spirit at the expense of Christ are missing the point. The Spirit's greatest work is in pointing us to Jesus and making Him central in our lives.
In short: Jesus’ teachings on the Holy Spirit show His critical role in guiding, teaching, and glorifying Christ. The Holy Spirit is indispensable for living the Christian life, understanding Scripture, and fulfilling our mission in the world.
So, from John 14:16-20, ten truths about the Holy Spirit.
Truth #1: The Holy Spirit as a Gift
Verse 16 of John’s Gospel starts by emphasizing that the Holy Spirit is a gift for all believers. This promise extends beyond the original disciples to all Christians across all times and places. Jesus said He will give the Holy Spirit to all His followers, highlighting that He is indeed a gift. For years, I was unaware of the Holy Spirit’s presence in me until I learned about it through Bible teaching. This realization was profound: the Holy Spirit indwells every Christian from the moment of salvation. Peter affirmed this on Pentecost in Acts 2:38, where he said repentance and baptism follow forgiveness of sins. Baptism is an outward sign of inner transformation, not a requirement for forgiveness. Importantly, all who are forgiven receive the Holy Spirit—He is not a reward for some but a grace gift to all believers at the moment of salvation.
Truth #2: The Holy Spirit as Our Helper
The Holy Spirit is sent alongside us to help live the Christian life, just as Jesus died to do what we couldn’t do ourselves. In John 1:16, Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as “another helper,” using the Greek word parakletos, meaning “one called alongside.” This imagery shows the Spirit as our support on our journey, providing encouragement, comfort, strength, and guidance. The Holy Spirit's role includes counseling, interceding, and empowering us to live victoriously, regardless of our circumstances. Even if isolated, like being in prison or far from fellow believers, the Spirit remains our all-sufficient helper. Philippians 4:13 reminds us that through Christ, who strengthens us via the Holy Spirit, we can do all things. The Spirit is everything we need to live a Christian life, fully present and sufficient in every need.
Truth #3: The Holy Spirit is Distinct from Christ
In John 14:16, the word “another” highlights the distinctiveness of the Holy Spirit from Christ. The Godhead comprises three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For instance, at Jesus’ baptism, the Father spoke from heaven, affirming Jesus, while the Holy Spirit descended like a dove to empower Him for ministry. This illustrates their distinct roles: Jesus is currently in heaven, while the Holy Spirit is here on Earth as our helper. Although Jesus will return in the future, the Holy Spirit is present with us now, ensuring we are never alone.
Truth #4: The Holy Spirit is Equal to Christ
The Holy Spirit is not just a helper but one equal to Christ. In John 14:16, the Greek word allos (meaning "another of the same kind") indicates that the Holy Spirit shares the same nature as Christ. Just as Jesus is holy, righteous, powerful, omniscient, and loving, so is the Holy Spirit. This means that the Holy Spirit is fully qualified to assist us, being equal to Christ in every attribute. Therefore, He is more than capable of meeting all our needs.
Truth #5: The Holy Spirit is a Real Person
The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force but a real person. John 14:16 uses personal pronouns ("He") to describe the Holy Spirit, emphasizing His personal nature. Unlike inanimate objects, the Holy Spirit has a mind (1 Corinthians 2:10-11), feelings (Ephesians 4:30), and a will (1 Corinthians 12:11). He teaches, guides, commands, and can be grieved, obeyed, or lied to. His presence is not merely functional but deeply personal, making His role in our lives intimate and vital.
Truth #6: The Holy Spirit is a Permanent Resident
The Holy Spirit is with us forever, as indicated by the word "forever" in John 14:16. Unlike in the Old Testament, where the Spirit could depart from individuals, the New Testament promises that once the Holy Spirit comes into a believer’s life, He will never leave. This ensures our eternal security, as the Spirit's presence means we are never alone, even in the darkest times. God is omnipresent, so while He is aware of the suffering of the unbeliever, the Holy Spirit remains with us to support and guide us through every trial. This promise of permanent residency by the Holy Spirit is a profound comfort, as I experienced during my first sermon, knowing that God’s presence provides reassurance and strength.
Truth #7: The Holy Spirit is a Teacher of God’s Truth
The Holy Spirit is called the "Spirit of Truth" in John 14:17, highlighting our need for His guidance in understanding God's Word and discerning His will. The Spirit, being the author of Scripture, uniquely illuminates and explains its meaning. He confirms truth in our hearts and alerts us to deviations from it. The Holy Spirit, omniscient and deeply involved in truth, teaches, reveals, and operates in truth. Ministries built on truth are blessed by Him because He is deeply committed to making the truth known, especially regarding Christ, salvation, and the glory of God.
Truth #8: The Holy Spirit is Unavailable to the World
In John 14:17, we learn that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, is not accessible to the world. While He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:7-11), His transformative presence is available only to those who have entered the kingdom of God. Before conversion, the Holy Spirit is not within the unconverted, making their understanding of spiritual truths as impossible as a blind man seeing the sunrise. The Holy Spirit’s work is electrifying for believers, igniting passion for Christ, enhancing worship, and deepening our relationship with God. He is not available to the world but is essential to the spiritual vitality of those who are in Christ.
Truth #9: The Holy Spirit Lives Inside of Us
In John 14:17, we see that the Holy Spirit not only abides with us but will be in us. This speaks to His deeply personal relationship with us. He is not just with us or for us; He is within us, controlling our mind, heart, and will. This profound reality should lead us to meditate on and appreciate His presence, recognizing the restraint it provides against sin. Every action, thought, and word involves the Holy Spirit, making us mindful of His presence and the seriousness of our conduct. As Paul highlights in 1 Corinthians 6, our sins, including sexual immorality, impact the Holy Spirit, emphasizing the need for purity and respect for His indwelling presence.
Truth #10: He Imparts the Supernatural Life of God
In John 14:19, Jesus says, “Because I live, you shall live also.” This promise encompasses both our future resurrection and the present reality of living empowered by His resurrection. The Holy Spirit imparts this supernatural life to us, enabling us to live in the power of Christ’s resurrection. As we yield to Christ's lordship, immerse ourselves in His Word, confess sin, and live in obedience, the Holy Spirit dispenses God’s grace abundantly.
This life is not just an existence; it’s a vibrant, overflowing life. The Holy Spirit channels this grace into our lives, producing the singular fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, and more. Just as rivers of living water flow from within us (John 7:37), we experience a continual outpouring of God’s blessings and empowering.
Wherever you are and whatever your circumstances, remember that your ability to live the Christian life comes from the Holy Spirit. You don’t need more of the Spirit; the Spirit needs more of you. Embrace His infinite resources and live empowered to fulfill God’s will for His glory. Let this truth encourage you as you rely on the Holy Spirit to enable you to do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
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